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Writer's pictureCollege of Arts and Humanities

Breaking Boundaries: CAH and WMSCU’s Joint Hybrid Research Forum

THE College of Arts and Humanities (CAH) of the University of the Immaculate Conception and Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU) recently conducted a successful hybrid research forum last March 2, 2023. The forum was attended by fourth year student researchers from the Communication, English Language Studies, Philosophy, and Psychology programs of CAH, including student researchers from WMSCU.

The research forum was organized by the college’s Research Coordinator, Dr. Mona Laya with the support of the Research, Publication, & Innovation Center (RPIC) headed by Dr. Emma Sagarino, at the same time by the Vice President of Academics, Dr. Avee Joy Dayaganon.

The research forum provided an opportunity for student researchers to showcase their research papers to a panel of experts. A parallel session was organized, where student researchers from both universities presented their research papers to the invited panelists.

In the afternoon plenary session, four distinguished speakers presented their research papers to the audience. Prof. Kristine Mae Adlaon presented her study entitled, "How can NLP help preserve endangered languages?" while Fr. John Gou Wang presented his thesis entitled, "Justifying an Integral Capabilities Approach to Sustainable Human Development." The study of Prof. Maila Faye Castro entitled, "Lived Experiences of Teachers Behind the Screen" was also featured. On the other hand, Prof. Robik Anwar Dani, M.Psi, Psi, Prof. Andi Cahyadi, M.Psi, Psi, and Prof. Marcella Mariska Aryono, M.A. from WMSCU presented their thesis entitled, "The Effectiveness of the Brain Gym Method in Reducing Stress Levels in College Students who take Online Learning."

Meanwhile, Cherry Fe Astronomo, Paterno Bernadio, and Ma. Angelyn Tablante were hailed as Best Speakers for presenting their research.

“It's a good avenue and training for us, future researchers to present our paper in a forum like this. It's not only presenting our paper, but it's a reflection of our hard work, dedication, and passion throughout our academic journey,” said Bernadio, a fourth year Philosophy student.

With this event, CAH has again demonstrated its unwavering commitment to producing exceptional research in the field. It is a proud moment, a shining example of the college's unrelenting dedication to scholarly excellence. The event is a testament to the college's ability to conduct rigorous research, exploring the depths of knowledge in the arts and humanities with an unquenchable thirst for discovery. It shows that the college remains at the forefront of innovative and groundbreaking research, consistently pushing the boundaries of what is possible. This event is a mere indication of excellence and a resounding declaration of the college's continued pursuit of intellectual brilliance. (CBP & JES)

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